Our Preschool Philosophy

The Preschool at First Baptist Church of Weddington is a program that operates as a ministry of the church.

Our goal is to provide a Christian environment for preschoolers to learn and grow.
The church sees the Preschool as an outreach to the children, parents, church members and community.
The program is designed to meet the needs of our children.

The children will be offered opportunities to meet a variety of Christian, academic, physical, social, and emotional goals.

We are unashamedly a Christian Preschool. We firmly believe that each child is a unique creation and gift from God.

Our Schedule

The preschool follows Union County Public School calendar for holidays.

We start our preschool year the day after Labor Day and finish our school year in May.

Our school hours are from 9:30 to 1:00 Monday-Thursday.

Children may attend 2, 3, or 4 days per week depending on the child’s age.

Our Curriculum

Our Bible based curriculum allows the children to participate in center time, circle time, art, music, science and much more.  In this environment, children have the freedom to make choices for creating unique masterpieces of their own.

The Weekday Early Education Curriculum Guide is used as the basis for our teaching curriculum.  Our teachers will enhance this material with other resources.

Our four-year-old classes use the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum (HWTears.com).

Our Transitional Kindergarten class uses a phonics-based curriculum and a manuscript based curriculum from Handwriting Without Tears through the use of journals, writing sheets and much more.

The goal and objectives for our 4 and TK programs are designed to prepare children for kindergarten.

Our program is designed to lay a foundation so that each child may grow in their Christian faith learning about Jesus through prayer, Bible stories and play time each day.

Students will attend Chapel once a month in the sanctuary with a pastor.

All classes will attend music each week with our music teacher.  Our 4 and TK students will attend science class each week with our science teacher.

Children will have outside playtime on our playground, weather permitting.  On rainy days we will make arrangements for children to play in other classrooms, playing with balance beams, our parachute, and other activities.

Our Preschool Philosophy

The Preschool at First Baptist Church of Weddington is a program that operates as a ministry of the church.

Our goal is to provide a Christian environment for preschoolers to learn and grow.
The church sees the Preschool as an outreach to the children, parents, church members and community.
The program is designed to meet the needs of our children.

The children will be offered opportunities to meet a variety of Christian, academic, physical, social, and emotional goals.

We are unashamedly a Christian Preschool. We firmly believe that each child is a unique creation and gift from God.

Our Schedule

The preschool follows Union County Public School calendar for holidays.

We start our preschool year the day after Labor Day and finish our school year in May.

Our school hours are from 9:30 to 1:00 Monday-Thursday.

Children may attend 2,3, or 4 days per week depending on the child’s age.

Our Curriculum

Our Bible based curriculum allows the children to participate in center time, circle time, art, music, science and much more. In this environment, children have the freedom to make choices for creating unique masterpieces of their own.

The Weekday Early Education Curriculum Guide is used as the basis for our teaching curriculum. Our teachers will enhance this material with other resources.

Our four-year-old classes use the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum (HWTears.com).

Our Transitional Kindergarten class uses a phonics-based curriculum and a manuscript based curriculum from Handwriting Without Tears through the use of journals, writing sheets and much more.

The goal and objectives for our 4 and TK programs are designed to prepare children for kindergarten.

Our program is designed to lay a foundation so that each child may grow in their Christian faith learning about Jesus through prayer, Bible stories and play time each day.

Students will attend Chapel once a month in the sanctuary with a pastor.

All classes will attend music each week with our music teacher. Our 4 and TK students will attend science class each week with our science teacher.

Children will have outside playtime on our playground, weather permitting. On rainy days we will make arrangements for children to play in other classrooms, playing with balance beams, our parachute, and other activities.

FBCW Preschool Registration for 2025-2026

Registration for First Baptist Church Members – FBCW church members will be mailed a registration letter on January 6.  Please fill out and return to the church with the registration fee by January 13 along with the $150.00 per child registration fee.

Registration for families currently enrolled at FBCW – Registration forms will be sent home in communication folders on January 13.  All forms are due by January 20 along with the $150.00 per child registration fee.  If there are more siblings than spots available, forms will not be ranked by order received but pulled out random until all spots are filled.

Registration for the community – Public tours for the 2025-2026 school year will be given on an as need basis.  Please call the church office to schedule a tour at 704-846-6770 or email us at FBCWPreschool@FBCW.comClasses will be filled on a first come, first serve basis starting January 20. 
Registration Forms may be downloaded from below.  Forms may also be picked up from the church office at any time during normal business hours.

Immunization Policy – All children enrolled at FBCW must be current with North Carolina state immunization requirements.  FBCW does not accept any waivers for immunizations. Please contact the office at 704-846-6770 if you have any questions.

Click here for the registration form: Registration Form 2025-2026

Please Note:   North Carolina Kindergarten age admission requires that a child turn 5 years old by August 31. Children must be age appropriate by August 31, 2025 for our 2, 3, 4, and Transitional Kindergarten classes. (exceptions may be made for our Transitional Kindergarten class)

Activity FeeWe collect a one-time fee, due by Open House, from each child to cover special classroom activities throughout the school year.  This fee is non-refundable.

2025 -2026 Classes and Tuition

  • 2 year old class (Mon & Wed) – $285 per month                                                                                  (8 children: 2 teachers)
    Activity Fee (due by Open House) – $50/year
  • 2 year old class (Tues & Thurs) – $285 per month                                                                                (8 children: 2 teachers)
    Activity Fee (due by Open House) – $50/year
  • 3 year old class (Tues, Wed, Thurs) – $335 per month                                                                        (8 children: 1 teacher)
    Activity/Book Fee (due by Open House) – $50/year
  • 4 year old class (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs) – $365 per month                                                             (8 children: 1 teacher)
    Activity/Book Fee (due by Open House) – $50/year
  • Transitional Kindergarten class (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs) – $375 per month                          (8 children: 1 teacher)
    Activity Fee (due by Open House) – $50/year

*Non-refundable Registration Fee $150.00 per child.

 “Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6